Setting Your Own Pricing in That Pitch's Studio

  1. Overview
  2. Studio
  3. Setting Your Own Pricing in That Pitch's Studio

How You Can Set Pricing for Your Tracks

In That Pitch's Studio, when you're ready to add your music to one of the collections—specifically the "Library Distribution & Sync Store (Non-Exclusive)"—you're empowered to set your own pricing. This flexibility allows you to tailor the cost of your tracks based on the licensing types available, such as for YouTube, Podcasts, Film, and more.

Steps to Set Your Pricing:

  1. Choose Your Collection: When adding a track, select the "Library Distribution & Sync Store (Non-Exclusive)" collection.
  2. Select License Types: You'll see a dropdown menu featuring various license types. These categories include options for YouTube, Podcasts, Film, etc.
  3. Set Your Pricing: For each license type, you have the freedom to choose the pricing that you feel is appropriate for your work.

Why Setting Your Own Pricing Matters:

Setting your own pricing not only gives you control over the value of your music but also allows you to strategically position your tracks in the market. By considering factors like the uniqueness of your work, the demand for music in your genre, and the intended use of your tracks, you can make informed decisions that reflect both your artistic worth and market expectations.


That Pitch's Studio offers a dynamic platform for managing how your music is shared and monetized. By taking advantage of the ability to set your own prices in the "Library Distribution & Sync Store (Non-Exclusive)" collection, you can ensure that your creative output is valued appropriately while reaching a wide range of potential buyers.