Managing Your Tracks in That Pitch's Studio: Unpublishing and Permanent Deletion

  1. Overview
  2. Studio
  3. Managing Your Tracks in That Pitch's Studio: Unpublishing and Permanent Deletion

Unpublishing a Track in That Pitch's Studio

When you decide a track should no longer be publicly accessible on That Pitch, you can easily unpublish it by following these steps:

  1. Go to That Pitch's Studio: Log in to your dashboard within That Pitch.
  2. Choose Your Track: Locate and select the track you wish to unpublish.
  3. Confirm Your Action: Finalize your choice to make the track unavailable.

Note: By unpublishing, the track becomes invisible to the public but remains in your Studio account. This action allows you to curate your public portfolio while retaining all your work.

How to Request Permanent Deletion

If you need to permanently remove a track from your Studio account, here's the procedure:

  1. Send an Email: Write to
  2. Subject Line: Clearly mention "Track Deletion Request."
  3. Detail Your Request: Include in your email the specific track title(s), your artist name, and your reason for wanting the deletion.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Ongoing Support for Buyers: That Pitch is committed to providing continuous support to buyers. To avoid disrupting this support, permanent deletion is carefully controlled. This ensures buyers can always access their purchased tracks and licenses.
  • Irreversibility: Permanent deletion is final. Once a track is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. Make sure this decision is in line with your future plans and commitments.

Why That Pitch Manages Permanent Deletion Cautiously

Permanent deletion requests are handled with extra care to balance the artist's needs with the commitment to buyer support. Unpublishing a track usually suffices for removing it from public view while keeping it accessible for any necessary buyer support.

Final Note:

Consider the implications of permanently deleting a track carefully. It's a decisive action that affects your portfolio and your obligations to your buyers. Ensure you're fully informed and committed before proceeding with a deletion request.