Understanding Your Earnings and Distribution with Non-Exclusive Library Placements

  1. Overview
  2. Library Distribution (Non-Exclusive)
  3. Understanding Your Earnings and Distribution with Non-Exclusive Library Placements
  1. Ownership and Earnings: Yes, when we say "100%", we mean that you retain complete ownership of your music, including both the publisher share of Performance Rights Organization (PRO) income and rights related to neighboring territories. Our non-exclusive placements operate on a profit-sharing basis. This means the libraries represent your song without owning it, taking a percentage of sales for their representation efforts.

  3. Library Earnings Explained:

  4. While you retain 100% of net earnings, it's crucial to understand the financial dynamics at play. Library sales commissions and associated legal fees with the sync placement itself to the end-client typically deduct between 20% to 50% from the gross sales. What remains is your net earnings, of which you receive the entirety. Importantly, That Pitch does not take any commission from your earnings.

    It's also key to note that each library we partner with operates uniquely, affecting the specifics of these deductions. However, by collaborating with That Pitch, you benefit from our collective bargaining power. We negotiate on behalf of our entire artist community, securing deals that are often more favorable than what an individual artist might achieve independently. This approach not only enhances your earnings potential but also ensures that you're presented in the best possible light to a broad network of non-exclusive libraries.

  6. Payment Timelines: Payment practices vary among libraries. Some may require upfront payment from clients, while others operate on a net-90 basis. Once the funds are transferred to them, they are automatically dispersed to That Pitch, which in turn pays you promptly according to these received funds.

  7. Earnings Potential: Placing music in a non-exclusive library is akin to selling a product in a retail store like Target; the purchase decision ultimately rests with the customer, making it challenging to predict earnings. While exclusive library placements offer more predictable income due to available data, non-exclusive placements are less predictable at this stage. As we accumulate data from non-exclusive libraries, we aim to provide more specific insights, but currently, precise forecasts are not feasible.

  8. Withdrawing your Tracks from Non-Exclusive Libraries: You have the flexibility to try out placing your work in the libraries and see how it performs. If, for any reason, you decide that it's not working out for you—whether that's due to revenue concerns or any other reason—you have the option to remove your work at any time. We've made this process straightforward for you: there's a specific form available on our site that you can use to request the removal of your work from the libraries. This ensures that you're not locked into any long-term commitments and can make decisions that best suit your career and financial goals.

  9. Sync Store Pricing as it relates to Non-Exclusive Libraries: 

    When it comes to the prices you set in our Sync Store for your non-exclusive tracks, it's important to understand that these prices are specific to transactions made directly through our platform. Each music library, including those where your tracks might be included as part of our non-exclusive offerings, operates independently and sets prices according to the market rate, which can vary significantly across different regions and client bases they cater to.

    The prices you list in our Sync Store serve as a guideline for direct purchases through our site but do not automatically apply to other non-exclusive libraries. These libraries have the autonomy to adjust pricing based on what they believe will best facilitate a sale, taking into account their specific market and clientele. Given that they share profits from sales, there's a natural incentive for them to price your tracks competitively to maximize revenue potential.

    In essence, while the prices in our Sync Store reflect your valuation of your work for direct sales, libraries are motivated to price your music in a way that benefits both you and them in the broader market. Rest assured, this approach is designed to ensure your music is positioned advantageously, regardless of where it's sold.