How does Youtube content ID work when the music is in a few non-exclusive libraries? Don’t the libraries want to control youtube (or other video platforms) to make sure the work has a proper license through them?

  1. Overview
  2. Library Distribution (Non-Exclusive)
  3. How does Youtube content ID work when the music is in a few non-exclusive libraries? Don’t the libraries want to control youtube (or other video platforms) to make sure the work has a proper license through them?

Exclusive libraries have control over Youtube Content ID for their site.
Non-Exclusive libraries who That Pitch distributes to integrates with our custom Youtube Content ID system.
When you upload a track to That Pitch, non-exclusively - while your music is non-exclusive, the Youtube Content ID system attached to it will be exclusive to That Pitch's infrastructure.

In every circumstance, you can not have your own 3rd party Youtube Content ID system with any track you upload to That Pitch. It messes everything up and causes copyright claims. Don't blame us. Blame the Youtube Gods. lol. A track can only be registered with 1 Youtube Content ID system at a time.