Why should I upload to Library Distribution (Exclusive)... it's Exclusive!

  1. Overview
  2. Library Distribution (Exclusive)
  3. Why should I upload to Library Distribution (Exclusive)... it's Exclusive!

The great part about Exclusive Libraries is they often pay higher, and they do all the work for you. All you gotta do is just make instrumentals. They mix it, master it, no revisions guaranteed. Everything they see is "take it or leave it". Then it's just passive income!

These deal structures make amazing sense for unreleased, unregistered, unheard instrumentals sitting on your harddrive. That's why we only accept those.

They DO NOT make sense however for fully released tracks (i.e. your babiesssss).

There are many times throughout your career where it makes sense to sell part of, or all of your rights to a track - in this scenario, for this type of music, with these terms, this is one of those times. 

Idk about you but if I'm working on a rando track that has nothing to do with my brand, I wanna see how I can make some money off of it, damnit! Haha. Imagine getting paid... to practice making music. You might already be sitting on gold. I bet you already have like 100 tracks ready to go on your harddrive lol.