Can I have samples on my material?

  1. Overview
  2. General
  3. Can I have samples on my material?

1-shot drum samples are acceptable. All other "drag & drop" samples, including: melodic, harmonic, & percussive loops are strictly prohibited. No samples of major records as well.

IMPORTANT: If you do take a melodic, harmonic, or percussive loop from splice, arcade, etc - make sure it is edited to the point where it is unrecognizable from the original sample.

The reason it is so strict is because of this: Youtube Content ID (and all other Content ID services under FB, IG, TT etc) categorize the first uploader of the sample as the copyright owner (outside of 1-shot drum samples). So although sample libraries may state Royalty Free, Youtube will still consider whomever uploaded a song with that sample the first time as the copyright owner. So for everyone else who uploads a song using that sample, Youtube will state it as a copyright infringement.

While we of course wish this wasn't the case - it is, and as such is heavily enforced to protect all members of That Pitch. If you cause copyright risks (whether knowingly or uknowingly), it puts all That Pitch members at risk.

COMPLIANCE IS BUILT INTO THAT PITCH: Every track uploaded to That Pitch goes through Cleared™ (our sister company.) Cleared™ is the industry standard in music licensing compliance used by the vast majority of music licensing companies worldwide. All That Pitch Members get access to this algorithm, complimentary with membership. If your track (upon uploading) shows it will likely cause a copyright risk, it will automatically be filtered out to ensure you, our community, and our clients are protected.

For more details, please see our Copyright Infringement Policy